Summerinternship Developer, Capra
For a customer, Databutton, we created a bot that solves an issue from Linear and pushes the changes to the wanted GitHub repository.
[Typescript, APIs, AI-agents]
Summerinternship Developer, Kateter
Created a library in three.js to illustrate physics and mathematics courses that Kateter offer.
[React, Next, Three.js, react-three-fiber]
spring 2023, spring 2024
Student Assistent TDT4180 - Human-Machine-Interaction, NTNU
Assisted 1. year informatics-students to learn about UI, heuristics and user-friendly interface.
[Figma, User-centered design]
fall 2023
Student Assistent IT2805 - Webtechnology, NTNU
Assisted 1.year informatics-students to learn web-programming.
[HTML, CSS, JavaScript]
Assistant, Oslo Universitetssykehus
Substitute help at department for premature children at UllevÄl Sykehus. Tasks: clean, order new inventory, organizing. Also helped in a research project with making ask-sheets/database to collect data.
2021 - 2024
B. Sc Informatics, NTNU
[Python, Java, Javascript, Typescript, Figma, SQL, databases, algorithms, ...]
2017 - 2020
High School Education with focus on Science, Elvebakken videregÄende skole
[Kjemi 1&2, Biologi 1&2, Matematikk R1, Fysikk 1]